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Who is Eligible to appear in the PMP Exam?

PMP certification is in high demand at present in the global corporate world. Companies are hiring more and more experienced and certified project management professionals to their teams to improve their efficiency. However, the PMP exam cannot be attempted by anyone and everyone. There are some eligibility criteria laid down by PMI which allows you to determine your eligibility. Below mentioned are the criteria that allow you to appear for the PMP exam and thereafter, receive the certification. However, if you do not fit in the required criteria, get the required experience and apply for the same as soon as you become eligible.

PMP Exam Eligibility Criteria:

  • If you are a high school diploma holder, to be eligible to appear in the certification exam, you must have a work experience of at least 5 years. Within these 5 years, 7500 of your working must be dedicated to leading and managing various projects. If you have the required work experience, you shall be prompted to complete a formal PMP study program of 23 hours before appearing you’re your examination.
  • If you are a degree holder or above, the work experience required comes down to 3 years. In these 3 years, 4500 hours of your working must be dedicated to leading and/or managing relevant projects. If you have the required qualification as well as work experience, you shall have to complete 23 hours of formal PMP training to become eligible for appearing in the exam.
If you fit in the above-mentioned criteria, you must start preparing for your PMP exam at the earliest possible. The sooner you get your PMP certification, the sooner can you avail of new opportunities and boost your career. Moreover, it becomes really difficult to advance in your career after a few years. Here is where the PMP comes into action and allows you to explore many more new opportunities that avail in the field of Project Management. Getting the certification will introduce you to a whole other world of opportunities in your field that you never even knew about.


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